Thursday, 7 June 2007

Well, that's it... so long!

This is the last post to this blog. Thank you for visiting it - almost 1000 hits is amazing for a blog that was aimed at just 17 people, and was only open for six months.

The reason this will be the last post is because the Year 11s at Cromwell Community College have now finished their GCSE exams, except for Paper 3 / 4 for which advice lies below.

Well done year 11 - you got through it! If I'm around on results day I hope to see many of you to find out how you did. Remember, you get what you deserve - all your hard work will have paid off, I'm sure.

Good luck for the future

Mr Burdett

The smart money suggests this will be on LEDC cities - i.e. shanty towns probably.
Therefore revise your Sanjay Ghandi Nagar stuff, although remember that this is only a tip - it might just as easily be on MEDCs, or people in rural areas, etc.

Good luck!

Friday, 11 May 2007

Great site!

Visit Rob Chamber's revision blog. He teaches at the Ivo in St Ives, and although they do a different course to us, it is a great blog full of useful case studies, most of which can be used for our course.

Just remember that we do NOTHING AT ALL to do with tectonics - that's volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunami.

Visit today!

Thursday, 10 May 2007

Revision: Rivers, coasts and sustainable cities

This session covered quite a lot!
The first hour was spent working on water landforms and people, then we looked at the issue of sustainable cities (since none of you turned up for the revision session! (TUT TUT!!!!)

You can download what we did, as always, from here. Click on GCSE Resources and look for WLP and PP sustainable cities for today's PowerPoint.

Revision: Using coursework for case studies

In the revision session on Thursdasy afternoon we covered how to answer case study questions using the places from your coursework.

Using these examples is a good idea because you know them in so much depth. But make sure you do revise the specific information that is going to impress the examiner, and DON'T write down what you did in your coursework as that won't be what the question is asking!

You can download the powerpoint we did during the session from the GCSE Revision section of our download website.

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Revision: Map skills

Today I wasn't here! So the activities were a bit different.
We started by looking at the various map skills using a powerpoint which you can download from here (click on GCSE revision and look for 'Map Skills revision') although it does need a teacher to go through it with you.

Everyone then made up their own journey around the local area, giving map directions using the map skills we had just talked about.

Still not sure how to use a map? Why not visit this great interactive site from the Ordnance Survey which has loads of ideas about using maps and understanding map skills.

Thursday, 3 May 2007

Classnotes: 4th May 2007: Command words etc

THis is the first of our revision sessions.

Today we looked at command words - you can download the powerpoint with all the information we looked at from here and clicking on GCSE revision.

Then we looked at a squatter settlement in India. A few years ago I made up a question for this, and that's what we did in the second part of the double lesson. Homework is to finish it off, and revise ready for next week. You can find out what the work is going to be up until you go on study leave by going to the file sharing site here and clicking on GCSE revision.

Don't forget there is the after school revision session on Thursdays 3.30pm to 4pm (see last post below).

Happy revising

Mr B

After school revision sessions

Revision sessions are running 3.30pm to 4.30pm* every Thursday until half term from now on, in H3. Use them or lose them! I am happy to run them but please remember I don't get paid for them, so if you don't turn up enough I may stop running them!

Rant over.

*The session is split into two. The first half hour, up until 4pm, is a group led, activity based session in which you will be expected to work individually, in pairs or in groups on activities that I give you. The second half hour is for individual issues - you only need to stick around if you have an issue about your course that you want to discuss with a teacher.

The future topics can be downloaded, as can all the ICT based resources that we use for these sessions, from our 4shared site: and go into the 'GCSE Revision' session.

See you next Thursday at 3.30pm!